Contribution Breakdown

Dr. Marsha I. Smalling, J.P.
  • First Form (Grade 7) - $20,000.00 [$15,000 + $5,000]

  • Second - Fifth Forms (Grade 8-11) - $18,000.00 [$13,000 + $5,000]

  • Lower Sixth Form (Grade 12) - $43,500.00 [$38,500 + $5,000]

  • Upper Sixth Form (Grade 13) - $40,000.00 [$55,000 + $5,000]

The additional VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION of $5000.00 go towards the completion of a fully digitized classroom.


STEP #1: Make Payment

Make the necessary payment at Sagicor Bank. Here are the account details:

  • Account Number: 5500589991
  • Name of Account: Glenmuir High school
  • Account Type: Chequing
  • Branch: May Pen

STEP #2: Send us an Email

Send us email proof of payment:

  1. Email subject: Auxillary fee / Contribution - Student's name - form.
    E.g. Auxillary fee/Contribution - John Brown - 1R
  2. Attach a screenshot, photograph or pdf of receipt to email
  3. Add student's name and parent's name and contact number to body of email
  4. Send email to

STEP #3: Complete Registration

  1. We respond to your email
  2. You will follow the links to the Registration Form
  3. Complete and submit form
  4. Download and complete additional documents
  5. Deliver completed documents to us

We, at Glenmuir, thank you for your contributions.

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